I smell blood

As soon as I walked into this morning's Tri-city marketing Meeting (Fremont-Newark-Union city), I could smell the blood in the air. Even before I saw three tables of tour flyers I knew somethig was up, and when the agents started presenting it was obvious, that we had just entered a period of time that we will in hindsight be referred to as the begining of a buyer's market. What that means is that if you are a serious buyer, than you should be acively looking with your agent. You'll find a property you like, and find yourself being able to buy it for a price better than the last one sold comparable to it sold for.

If you're not looking what'll happen is the market will change again, and you'll find yourself scrambling again in a seller's market. A buyer's market never lasts long in California, simply because the state's population is always growing and demand for housing will always exceed the state's ability to supply housing in the major urban centers.

The strongest buyer is one that's well qualified, knows how to evaluate the condition of a property quickly, and can satisfy the anxious seller's most important need - a contract that will complete.


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