Where the buyers are...read investment opportunities

According to the census bureau, these are the counties that gained or lost hte most populatoin between 2004 and 2005.

Fastest growing counties:
Flager, FL -------10.7%
Lyon, NV----------9.6% county website census data
2 builders: Donner Trail Estates, Sendero at Legado
Kendall, Il-------9.4%
Rockwell, TX------7.74%
Washington, UT ---7.66%
Nye, NV ----------7.4% county website census data
Pinal, AZ --------6.9%
Loudoun, VA ------6.8%
King George, VA --6.7%
Caroline, VA -----6.5%

Counties losing populations:
Chattahoochee, GA -----6.2%
Liberty, GA------------4.9%
Lampasas, TX-----------4.7%
Washington, GA---------4.3%
Norfolk, VA------------2.3%
Geary, KS--------------2.2%
Choctaw, AL------------2.19%
Monroe, FL-------------2.16%
Jackson, OK------------2.15%
Terrell, GA------------2.0%


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