Union City's New Sport Center

I joined Union City's new sport center last week. They got state of the art exercise equipment, a great gym room to pay basketball, volleyball and badminton and free exercise classes. I attended the Sunday yoga class. It was okay. The facility is not as nice as Newark's Silliman center with it's mammoth indoor swim center, but it's way better than not having it. I love the fact it's only a 2 minute drive from the home.

In the United Kingdom, city provided recreation centers are common place. Even when I visited Toronto, communities had massive indoor recreation centers to encourage active healthy lifestyles.

My wish is that Union city annex the adjoining parcel of ancient industrial space and build that indoor swim center and additional parking.

Fremont is planning a 10+ million outdoor swim recreation center where the old lagoon used to be in central park, which will be available to use 3 months out of the year. i think that's a huge waste of money, but hey I guess Fremont must be running a surplus. I don't understand how Fremont, has let Newark and Union City take the lead on creating recreation facilities for its residents. I also hope Union City and Newark, don't stop with just one center.


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