Lender's Anticipating Fewer Loan Losses

From DS News

> Lenders Slash Loan Loss Reserves as Credit
Quality Improves

Data released by the FDIC Tuesday show that lenders' are seeing considerable
improvement in the quality of loans and becoming more confident that fewer
borrowers will default. First-quarter loan loss provisions totaled $20.7
billion, less than half the $51.6 billion set aside to cover bad loans a
year ago, and loans and leases 90 days or more past due or in nonaccrual
status fell for a fourth consecutive quarter. At the same time, though, the
number of banks on the FDIC's so-called "problem list" is at its highest
level since 1993.
> > Read More



Sunil Sethi / Broker, President, REALTOR, MBA, CPA (inactive)
38750 Paseo Padre Pkwy Suite B3 / Fremont, CA 94536
Cell 510 388 2436 / Fax 510 431 9046

<http://www.sunilsethi.com/> www.sunilsethi.com

CA DRE#: 01173766


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