Mortgages Rates Head Lower - You should think about buying real estate

> Mortgage Rates Plunge to Lowest Level in Over
Five Decades

Investors' growing appetite for the safety of U.S. Treasury bonds in the
wake of European debt troubles and a stagnant economic recovery here in the
U.S. has driven mortgage interest rates to their lowest level in over 50
years. Freddie Mac says both fixed- and adjustable-rate mortgages have
reached all-time record lows, providing further incentive for homeowners
looking to refinance. By the GSE's assessment, the 30-year rate is now
averaging 4.15 percent and the 15-year rate is at 3.36 percent.
> > Read More



Sunil Sethi / Broker, President, REALTOR, MBA, CPA (inactive)
38750 Paseo Padre Pkwy Suite B3 / Fremont, CA 94536
Cell 510 388 2436 / Fax 510 431 9046


CA DRE#: 01173766


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