Homes Prices at 2 Year High

Thought prices have moved up from their bottom, they are still below the highs we reached in 2007 and rates are still extremely low, which is driving the demand to buy.

We bid on a home on Ardenwood on Monday. It received 25 offers. All except one had at least 20% down. One of them will get the home, and 2 will keep looking.


From DS News


Case-Shiller: August Home Prices at 2-Year High

U.S. home prices continued to increase in August as the Case Shiller 20-city Home Price Index increased 0.9 percent to its highest level since September 2010. The 20-city index is up 2.0 percent in the last year. The 10-city also rose 0.9 percent in August, increasing to 158.62, 1.3 percent ahead of August 2011 and the highest level since October 2010. The monthly gain in each index was slower than in July, when the 10-city index went up 1.5 percent and the 20-city index improved 1.6 percent. July also saw gains in all 20 index cities. » Read More


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