New Haven News Release: "Dictionary Day"
UNION CITY (Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012) – For the seventh successive year, local real estate agent Sunil Sethi is making certain that every third-grade student in the New Haven Unified School District has a dictionary.
Mr. Sethi and a small group of partners have purchased approximately 1,000 dictionaries that they will deliver Friday to students at each of the District's seven elementary schools.
For the second successive year, Mr. Sethi and a fellow agent, former New Haven teacher Steven Fong, also are inviting students to participate in an essay contest. All students who submit an essay will receive a recognition award, and the essays will be published in a compilation that will be available online and offered for display in each classroom.
Partnering with Mr. Sethi and Mr. Fong again this year are local insurance agent Kristie Turner of Kristie Turner Insurance and Risha Kilaru of Prospect Mortgage. In his first year in office, County Supervisor Richard Valle also is taking part.
NOTE: For members of the media interested in covering the delivery, the schedule is as follows: Hillview Crest Elementary (31410 Wheelon Ave., Hayward) 8:10 to 8:35 a.m.; Emanuele Elementary (100 Decoto Rd., Union City) 8:40 to 9:05 a.m.; Searles Elementary (33629 15th St., Union City) 9:15 to 9:40 a.m.; Kitayama Elementary (1959 Sunsprite Drive, Union City) 9:45 to 10:10 a.m.; Alvarado Elementary (31100 Fredi St., Union City) 10:25 to 10:50 a.m.; Eastin Elementary (34901 Eastin Drive, Union City) 11 to 11:25 a.m.; Pioneer Elementary (32737 Bel Aire St., Union City), 11:45 to 12:10 a.m.).

Rick La Plante
Director, Parent & Community Relations
New Haven Unified School District
34200 Alvarado-Niles Rd., Union City, CA 94587

Steven Michael Fong
DRE# 01729474

Sunil Sethi Real Estate
38750 Paseo Padre Pkwy #B3
Fremont, CA 94536



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