Community Message: Mark your calendar for UCPD Coffee with Cops on Thurs, 2/20, 8:30 am-11:30 am, Starbucks - Decoto. See you there!

Good to Know Your Police.


Wednesday February 12, 2014, 1:10 PM

Union City Police Department, CA

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Community: Mark your calendar for UCPD Coffee with Cops on Thurs, 2/20, 8:30 am-11:30 am, Starbucks - Decoto. See you there!

Hi Sunil Sethi,

UCPD Coffee with Cops
Thurs., February 20, 2014
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Starbucks - 1752 Decoto Road, Union City

Come sit down and chat over coffee with Union City Police executives, supervisors, officers, and support staff! This is a perfect time to ask questions, share stories, and simply get to know each other.


For full details, view this message on the web.






Sunil Sethi

President, Broker, REALTOR, MBA, CPA (inactive)

Sunil Sethi Real Estate

38750 Paseo Padre Pkwy #B3

Fremont, CA 94536

(510) 388-2436




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