New Haven Unified Academic Progress



Board of Education Briefs


The Board of Education on Tuesday night, received a report on academic progress and an update on the District’s plans for upcoming changes to the state’s testing program for students.

Director of Assessment & Evaluation Tracie Noriega told the Board that the median measure of the percentage of students performing at or above the 50th percentile increased in both reading (0.8) and math (0.1) from fall 2012 to fall 2013. The most significant increases were in math at Alvarado Middle School (4.5), reading at James Logan High (4.3), Searles Elementary (3.6) and Eastin Elementary (3.4), and math at Alvarado Elementary (3.3).

In addition, the percentage of students who met or exceeded typical growth also increased District-wide in both reading (0.9) and math (2.1). The most significant increases were in reading at Conley-Caraballo High (8.3) and math at Alvarado Middle (6.4), Alvarado Elementary (4.8), Hillview Crest Elementary (4.5) and Eastin Elementary (3.8).


Ms. Noriega also outlined for the Board changes coming under Assembly Bill 484, signed into law by Gov. Brown last October. The old program of STAR (Standardized Testing and Reporting) tests is being replaced by the new CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress), which is designed to promote high-quality teaching and learning through the use of a variety of assessments and item types.

Also on Tuesday night, the Board:

·          Approved comprehensive school safety plans.

·          Approved a proposal for upgrading the District-wide energy management system, which is expected to result in savings to the general fund.

·          Received a report on the impact on the District from the passage in November 2012 of Proposition 39. The “California Clean Energy Jobs Act” allocates revenue to support energy efficiency and alternative energy projects, along with related improvements and repairs that contribute to reduced operating costs and improved health and safety conditions in public schools.

·          Voted for Valerie Arkin and Jamie Yee Hintzke of Pleasanton Unified, Amy Miller of Dublin Unified and Nancy Thomas of Newark Unified as regional representatives to the California School Boards Association delegate assembly.

NOTE: An item that appeared Tuesday in “E-News,” the District’s weekly electronic newsletter, should have noted that the James Logan High School Performing Arts Department’s spring musical, “The Producers,” will run March 13-15, as well as March 6-8. All performances are at 7 p.m. Also, there was a typographical error in an item about the Logan wrestling team. The correct dates for the North Coast Section boys tournament are Feb. 28-March 1.



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