Fremont Urban Developemnt: 10/8/15 Lennar Warm Springs VTM Planning Commission Hearing

Upcoming agenda items:


10/8 Lennar Warm Springs VTM Planning Commission Hearing


The 10/8 (next Thurs.) Planning Commission meeting will review the Warm Springs - Lennar Tentative Vesting Track Map (VTM) PLN2015-00263.

The agenda has links to all the layouts:


They have already approved the Master Plan. That just laid out blocks of land for specific purposes with 2,214 residential dwelling units.

There were no detailed lot plans, building plans or house plans. Now they have to go into detail...


The Lennar Warm Springs VTM PLN2015-00263 City Project Planner is Joel Pullen at



The City Council hearing on 10/13 is about another Warm Springs matter:

WARM SPRINGS URBAN PLAZA GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT PLN2015-00277 Here is the agenda for the Planning Commission's 8/27/15 hearing on that topic:



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