Fremont's Overloaded schools...increasing traffic..yet construction of new homes approved? What can we do? is happening on Oct 05

  Mon, Oct 5, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

·  3300 Capitol Avenue, Building A, Fremont, CA 94538

·  Does the increasing number of new residential construction projects bother you? Are you worried about the increasing burden on Fremont Schools and the community infrastructure? 780 units (including Patterson ranch) already in construction, 3,247 units to begin construction soon and 2,934 in the pipeline! We helped FUSD in its stance against Patterson Ranch(when the builder backed off on building a school). Now is the time for us to take it to the next level. Let us attend the Fremont City Council meeting and make our opinion heard on this very important matter affecting the quality of life in our community.

Agenda for Oct 5th Meeting

Ten projects under construction (780 units)
Twenty-four (24) approved projects (3,247 units)
Nine (9) Proposed Projects (2,305 units)
Eight (8) Preliminary Projects (629 units)

Minutes of the previous meeting:



- Sunil Sethi


Helping Families Find Homes with Great Schools in Fremont, Newark and Union City.

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