16 Unscrupulous Loan Modification Attorneys revealed
CAR just released the names of 16 attorneys who were collecting fees for loan mods and doing nothing in return. If you know of any attorney's who are splitting fees with real estate agents on loan modifications, realize they are committing a crime. Attornies are not allowed to split their fees with non-attornies. Hopefully you are not working with any unscrupulous lawyers or agents. As I’ve been saying, you don’t need to hire anyone to help you complete a loan mod. Send the bank the required info. I've confirmed this with SVP's at banks and they say the same thing. Right now loan mods are based on a business decision. Does the Net Present Value on the new modified loan exceed what the bank would get in a foreclosure. You don't have to calculate the NPV (net present value), the bank does this, however if you are financially savvy, ask me for my free loan mod spreadsheet. Work the numbers to see if you can make a business case to support your loan modification. good luck....