[NHUSD Information] Facilities Master Plan Town Hall meetings
The District is in the process of updating its Facilities Master Plan. Many meetings with different stakeholder groups have taken place, and many more are scheduled in the coming months. Click here to learn more. As part of this process, the New Haven Unified School District has planned four (4) virtual Town Hall meetings, which are organized by grade level. Your input, as part of the New Haven learning community, is integral to a successful Facilities Master Plan and provides valuable information and insight into the District's facilities from the community's perspective. Your participation ensures that the Master Plan solutions address the needs of the school sites and their broader communities as well as the academic vision of the District. The following Zoom meetings have been scheduled: Middle Schools Community Stakeholder Virtual Town Hall: Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. Elementary Schools Community Stakeholder Virtual Town Hall: Tuesday, Decem...