The following was emailed to me by the assessor's office and I've highlighted in red, what to pay attention to. How to estimate your new assessed value: If you recently purchased your new home at market price, your new assessed value will likely be the purchase price . However, if you purchased the new property for below market price, the new assessed value will be the market value . Market value can be estimated by looking at the recent sale prices of comparable properties in the same area. If you disagree with the assessed value of your new property and believe it should be lower, you can formally appeal the assessment to the Assessment Appeals Board (AAB). Appeals of regular assessments must be filed between July 2 and September 15 . Appeals of Supplemental or Escape Assessments must be filed within 60 days of the date of "Notice of Supplemental Assessment" or "Notice of Enrollment of Escape Assessment" or the postmark date for that notice, which...