housing inventory declines in November 2010

Per DS News:

> Housing Inventory Drops in November, Still Above
2009 Numbers

A new report from ZipRealty shows the supply of homes for sale in November
declined by an average of 3.8 percent in 26 major metropolitan areas that
the company researched. The largest inventory declines were seen in Austin,
Texas, where the for-sale supply fell 9.5 percent, and Boston,
Massachusetts, down 10 percent. The company says declines could be
indicative of sellers deciding to take their homes off the market, and could
also be a result of foreclosure moratoriums.



Sunil Sethi / Broker, President, REALTOR, MBA / SUNIL SETHI REAL ESTATE
38750 Paseo Padre Pkwy Suite B3 / Fremont, CA 94536
Cell 510 388 2436 / Fax 510 431 9046
<http://www.sunilsethi.com/> www.sunilsethi.com

CA DRE#: 01173766


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