Mission Lakes Neighbors Ask Union City Mayor and Council to Rethink East West Connector
Tomorrow (2/27/18) will be your LAST, but also BEST opportunity to stop the East West Connector as currently planned. The city council was trying to rush this decision through quietly. But this is now receiving the attention it deserves. Mercury News blasts funding diversion from Rail to Highway: https://www.mercurynews.com/ 2018/02/26/union-city-looks- to-divert-75-million-in- public-transit-funds-for-new- 320-million-road/ Bike East Bay declares Opposition to East West Connector Proposal: https://www.mercurynews.com/ wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ bike-east-bay-opposition-to- east-west-connector-proposal. pdf East Bay Times provides additional information on UC fiscal emergency: https://www.eastbaytimes.com/ 2018/02/22/union-city-council- to-weigh-fiscal-emergency- declaration/ The East West Connector has been on the books since the 60s and reflects the thinking of that era. This $320M road is oversized. This 90ft wide road will cross the Old Alameda Creek twice and will const...
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