Union City Instituting Fees for Landlords

If you are a landlord in Union City, pay attention to this new fee and restrictions put in place by the city

Rent Review Ordinance - Effective 10/2/17

On June 27, 2017, the City Council of Union City approved an ordinance that adds Chapter 5.55 "Rent Review" to the City's municipal code. The ordinance regulates most residential rental units in Union City and provides a mediation process for qualifying rent increases. Renters will have the right to request non-binding mediation when:

  • A renter receives a rent increases over 7%; OR
  • A renter receives two or more rent increases in a 12 month period and the total of all rent increases exceeds 7%  in the 12 month period

Landlord participation in the mediation process is mandatory; however, all recommendations are non-binding. Landlords are required to notify tenants of their rights when issuing a rent increase on or after October 2, 2017

The full ordinance and additional information can be found at the following link:

Rent Review Informational Meetings

The City will be holding two informational meetings on the Rent Review Ordinance that are open to the public.  Both meetings will cover the same information.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017
7:00 to 8:00 PM


Thursday, November 16, 2017
10:30 to 11:30 AM

City Council Chambers
34009 Alvarado-Niles Road
Union City, CA 94587


New Rental Property Fees

On September 12th, the City Council adopted two new residential rental property fees. The fees will be used to cover the City's cost to administer the recently adopted Rent Review and Eviction Protection Ordinances. 

Effective November 1, 2017, all property owners with rental units in Union City that are subject to the Eviction Protection Ordinance and/or the Rent Review Ordinance must pay the annual fees listed below. The fees are due at the time a property owner applies for a new residential rental business license or renews an existing business license.

  • Rent Review Ordinance Fee - $21.50 per rental unit
  • Eviction Protection Ordinance Fee - $10 per rental unit

For questions regarding the business license application/renewal process, please contact the City's Revenue Division. 

Contact Information

Rent Review Program Administrator
ECHO Housing
Phone: 1-855-ASK-ECHO / 1-855-275-3246
Email: UnionCityRentReview@EchoFairHousing.org
Website: www.echofairhousing.org

City of Union City - Housing & Community Development Division
Alin Lancaster, Housing & Community Development Coordinator
Phone: (510) 675-5322
Email: Housing@UnionCity.org
Website: www.unioncity.org/rent-requirements

City of Union City - Revenue Division
Phone: (510) 675-5312
Fax: (510) 489-5074
Email: Biz-License@UnionCity.Org
Website: www.unioncity.org/departments/administrative-services/business-licenses


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